Dr.Wiki 追毒現場
「追毒現場」係一懸疑式系列影片,選擇日常生活中最容易被輕忽的中毒傷害作為探討主題, 每一部影片均是依據真實案例進行改編, 採用開放式的結局,邀請觀看者?起參與扮演「破案高手」,不僅適合各產業管理層面上的省思,也適合醫療專業人士以及一般民眾闔家觀賞,追毒現場的製作嘗試以中毒預防的觀點出發,期待在究竟真相中投予更多人文與社會的關懷。
Dr.Wiki is a series of films filled with suspense. Unfortunately, the case stories described in the films truly happened in reality and many more poisoning cases have not been detected and could be neglected. For purpose of prevention and further treatment, we would like to ask all of the people to join us and hopefully these important social issues could be highly concerned.